Natural results

Early Facial Rejuvenation

Keep looking young and prevent common signs of facial aging.

Although most people are not bothered by the signs of facial aging until after forty, some of the early signs may be noticeable in their thirties. More and more women are looking into preservation rather than restoration. The goal is to look like you are in your thirties forever. Of course, this means you must interfere with the aging process. The solution is highly individualized and should address particular problem areas. Although Botox and fillers can help, they are not always the best solution.

What really happens during the aging process is that gravity pulls the skin and fat down and reshapes faces. The only real solution is to reverse the process and lift things back to their original position. What works most naturally?

All of these options can help, and your individual plan will be discussed during the consultation with Dr. Turowski – either in person or virtually.

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