Natural results

Lip Lift

Enchance lip fullness and rejuvenate your appearance with lip lift procedure!

Lip lift is a small surgical procedure that permanently raises the upper lip to reveal more of the red lip line to create more pout and increase the visibility of upper teeth. This can create a fuller and more youthful appearance.

The procedure can be performed in different ways. Dr. Turowski prefers the deep plane approach which suspends upper lip muscles and does not rely on skin to provide lift. This approach not only provides more lasting results but also allows less tension on the incision which typically produces less conspicuous scarring.

Benefits of a Lip Lift

How is lip lift performed?

A lip lift can typically be performed under local anesthesia although general anesthesia is always an option. The surgeon will make an incision in the upper lip and raise the lip to the desired position. Dr. Turowski utilizes the deep plane approach which suspends the lip on the deep muscles. The incision is then closed with stitches. The procedure takes about 1 hour. Dr. Turowski does not use external stitches anymore. Instead, the last layer of repair is performed with water resistant surgical glue. This not only lessens chances of infection but also minimizes scarring. A bonus is the pain free recovery since there is no need to remove cumbersome stitches in a very sensitive area.

What are the risks of lip lift?

The risks of lip lift include usual surgical risks of bleeding and infection. However, these risks are extremely rare following this small procedure. Scarring is of most concern but with proper deep plane technique and postop care, scarring is typically almost invisible.

How long does lip lift take to heal?

Following a lip lift, patients may experience mild swelling and bruising, which typically subside within a few days. Regular application of ice packs and over-the-counter pain medication can help manage any discomfort. Most patients can resume their normal activities within a week with minimal downtime.